Have you ever?

  1.    Have you ever had to fold a lot of laundry in a certain amount of time? I have. And it's really hard. 
  2. Have you ever had this great idea for something, like a Halloween costume that you have to make on your own and have two or more of your siblings want to do the same thing? And you have to help them? It's happened. In fact, It's happening rightnow. It's really annoying, since this costume has lot's of details, and two of my brothers want me to help them. (Taran and Calvin.) -see My Family  
  3. Have you ever been put in the spotlight, and you forgot your lines? Or your dad accidentally painted your face so that it didn't match the other crocodile?  That happened with the last. I was in 1st grade, and I was the "mommy crocodile". The other little girl (the daughter) had a mystical face paint. I had dark green, that looked life like. My dad's a really good artist, but I was *ahem*a little disappointed. But I never forgot my lines. (Phew!) 
Have you ever done something that was really cool in your head, but people argued through the whole thing? That's happened at almost all of my birthday parties. Not fun. But everything is fine. Have any of these things happened to you? Can you tell me? cause that would be awesome! Well, most (all) of the ideas aren't, but now that I look back on them, (except the Halloween one) they were pretty funny.



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